Tomorrow is the day! I am having surgery to remove a couple tumors and some surrounding lymph nodes tomorrow morning. I have been on targeted therapy treatment (pills) for about 8 weeks, so it's time! Side effects have been ok. I had to stop treatment for 7 days because of high fevers and tissue inflammation, but after that I was able to start back at a reduced dose and have been good ever since.
I'm having the surgery done at IU downtown Indianapolis, and I will be staying just one night (hopefully). My surgeon said the recovery is similar to a c-section- and since I've breezed thru 3 of those, that made me feel pretty good. :)
After surgery, I will continue on the targeted therapy for a year, or as long as I can tolerate it. If I have to stop due to side effects, there is another "brand" of the same treatment that I can try next. So we are not out of options yet! I am determined to kick this dang melanoma's I'm always looking for the next treatment option if the one I'm on stops working.
Thank you for all the support everyone has given me. I can feel your prayers & good vibes, and they make me smile everyday.