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A bit of a setback...

ORIGINAL POST was on 11/20/20

Good morning! Unfortunately, I am writing this update my Walter Reed hospital room. I was admitted last night for Hypophysitis, which is inflammation of the pituitary gland. It's 100% a side effect of the treatment that I am getting. Basically, my immune system is firing up so much that it's starting to attack some good stuff too. I have been having pretty bad headaches all week, and finally went the ER last night to have a brain MRI. They could see the inflammation right away (it's pretty obvious), so into the hospital I went. I will be here a few days getting super strong IV steroids to try to calm my endocrine system down, and then will transition to oral steroids at home. Just my luck, they literally just switched the visiting rules back to "no visitors due to covid" starting I am here solo for a few days. So the big question is... what does this mean for future treatments? I definitely will not be getting my last combo treatment next week. In fact, I am almost certainly done with the combos. I was able to do three full cycles though and that is awesome, and better than the average (50% of patients only make thru 2 doses before the side effects become too much). The original plan was to make it through the four combos and then finish the last 9 months of with a single does infusions of Opdivo. We will have to see how my system reacts to the steroids before we make any decisions about the rest of the year. It could take quite awhile for things to get back to normal. 😢 I am doing okay though. I was more worried about the kids waking up and realizing that I wasn't there (all of this happened after they went to bed last night). AND - then they realized that dad was going to work from home to manage virtual school today...and oooh, boy...then they really probably freaked out. 😂 So please pray that my body can reset and figure out what it's supposed to be doing, and that the steroids don't make me too crazy. My psychiatrist bestie already told me that online shopping is not allowed while I am contained in a hospital room on steroids. Probably good advice. ha! And- say a prayer for poor Jerome. I've said it before, but boy I am glad he such a calm easy life besides my drama. Thank you and love you all! XOXO, Lacey

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1 Comment

Miranda Lynch
Nov 28, 2020

Thinking of and praying for you and that sweet family! ❤



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