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Opdivo Update...

One month down and three treatments done already! I am really on top of the blogging thing. ;) Truth is, the treatments have had to just kind of "fit" into my busy life, and so far that has worked! So here's a quick recap of the three treatments (forgive the duplicate info if you are on my FB)...

#ONE...and one of my besties from Indiana (who is an ER doc) came out to go with me. I was so happy to have her there to calm my jittery nerves. I seriously thought I might spontaneously combust when they started the drip. Everything went smoothly though, and we even had a surprise visit by Terry Bradshaw. The nurse asked us if we wanted him to stop by and say hi (FYI, I am NOT sporty) I responded "sure, which department does he work in"? He was hilarious and so nice though. They had me in a private room in the back of the regular open chemo when he poked his head in, he asked "why do they have you back here all by yourself...are you contagious or fancy?" LOL!!! Of course, I said NEITHER! As far as side effects, there were hardly any. I even tried to talk my visiting Dr Amy into letting me drink a glass of wine that night...(calm down Mom, she said NO!). :) The only side effect I had was that I ended up getting several mouth sores on my tongue, which could be related to messing with my immune system. Just lasted a few days though, and was very manageable.

#TWO... The two weeks in between flew by way too fast and it was time to head in again. This time my mom and Jerome came with me. Again, pretty uneventful, except for when the Surgeon General being in the room freaked out my nurse and she messed up the IV attempt. I did have a headache the first night, and a few more mouth sores, but that was it. Having my mom there to baby me, cook and clean made things pretty nice too. Still easy peasy. ;)

#THREE... This one I took "on the road". I have to be honest, I don't think my oncologist at Walter Reed loved me telling him that keeping on an every two week schedule over the summer was going to be hard because I have A LOT of fun stuff planned, and this cancer thing wasn't really on the schedule. ;) They worked with me though, and found a couple places in Indiana that I can get the infusion while I'm out of town. So this time my friend Latefe came with me. We have know each other for many years...she's been with me for my wedding, births, I loved having here with me once again. I also stayed at their beautiful new home, where Millie and I had our own wing. They have 6 kids and we slept in until after 9am everyday...this does NOT happen for the Adams Guests. It was truly amazing! As far as side effects, I was tired this needed a nap every day for a few days kind of tired. I also woke up the day after treatment feeling hungover, without the crazy night that's not fun. But, now it's been about 4 days and I feel completely normal again.

I think that about sums it infusion is June 21st, and I think it will be here in DC...just 23 more to go! This is the last week of school for us you never know where we will be! Whoohoo! So ready to have the kids home with me and no more homework and schedules! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer...more updates later.

XOXO, Lacey


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